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CHARTERED: May 10, 1927 • WORSHIPFUL MASTER: Jasonric Villanueva

Interesting Masonic Facts

When Brothers Richard E. Byrd and Bernt Balchen
first flew over the North and South Poles, they dropped a Masonic flag on each Pole.  Then, in the 1933 expedition, Brother Balchen tossed his Shrine Fez on the North Pole.

In 1892 the world’s tallest building @ 210 feet, was the Masonic Temple at Randolph and State Streets in Chicago with 14 floors and 1037 rooms.

In 1952, eighty-nine percent of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices were Freemasons.

The highest Masonic Lodge on earth is Roof of the World Lodge No.1094, located in Oroya, Peru. Its elevation is 14,167 feet

The highest Masonic Lodge in the United States is Corinthian Lodge No.35 located in Leadville, Colorado. Its elevation is 10,152 feet

The Lowest Lodge in the United States is Winnedumah Lodge No. 287 of Bishop, CA. It occasionally hold meetings in Death Valley at 270 feet below sea level.

Benjamin Franklin a Mason, obtained finances and guns for the American Revolution
from leading French Masons and the French government.


The American flag  was sewn by Betsy Ross, whose husband was a member of St. John’s Lodge, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Frederic Bartholdi, a Mason, designed it. The Grand Lodge of New York laid the cornerstone of its base with Masonic Ritual.

Edwin E. (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr., a member of Clear Lake Lodge # 1417 in Texas,
when he stepped onto the surface of the moon, carried a special deputation from his Grand Master to claim the moon as being in the territorial jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas.

John Glenn a Mason, was the first American to orbit Earth in 1962.

Meriwether Lewis – (August 18, 1774 – October 11, 1809) was an American explorer, soldier, and public administrator, best known for his role as the leader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Lewis was a Freemason, initiated, passed and raised in the “Door To Virtue Lodge No. 44” in Albemarle, Virginia, between 1796 and 1797.[19] On August 2, 1808, Lewis and several of his acquaintances submitted a petition to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania requesting dispensation to establish a lodge in St. Louis. Lewis was nominated and recommended to serve as the first Master of the proposed Lodge, which was warranted as Lodge No. 111 on September 16, 1808.

Otto Elmo Lincoln (1889-1952) For five years commencing in 1918 was the original “Tarzan” of the screen. He was raised on Nov. 19, 1917, in Elysian Lodge No. 418, Los Angeles, CA

Frank Perdue President and CEO of Perdue Farms was a mason who ran his company by high ethical standards. He was famous for the tagline, “It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken”