Links to Our Event Photos
Officers of Patuent Lodge No. 218 made a check presentation to South County Assistance Network (SCAN FOOD BANK) on behalf of the Masonic Charities of Maryland with Brothers (L-R) WM Carlos Nocentelli, Frank Hampton – SCAN FOOD BANK, SW Jasonric Villanueva, and Chaplain Rudy McCumber, PM on Saturday, November 23, 2024.
WM Carlos Nocentelli presented (L)Brothers Kevin Daniel, and (R) Jeremy George their Master Mason Certificate from Patuxent Lodge on Monday, November 18, 2014
Congratulations to (L) SW Brother Jasonric Villanueva on completing his certification on Monday, November 4, 2024 of the three degrees Masonry to become Worshipful Master in 2025. Brother Jasonic is pictured with (R) Deputy Grand Lecturer Brother Harold Garren, PM
Congratulations to Brothers (L-R) Kariem Rashid, Willie Hazzard, Cody Carpenter, Melvin Samia, Jeremy George, and Kevin Daniel, six (6) newest Master Masons of Patuxent 218 on Monday, October 21. Great degree conferred by the officers. SW Brother Jasonric Villanueva conferred the first two sections of the Master Mason degree raising all six (6) brothers. WM Brother Carlos Nocentelli gave the Lecture.
Congratulations to the sitting Officers of Patuxent Lodge for conferring a great degree and a night of Fellowship and Excitement
Congratulations to Brothers (L-R) Willie Hazzard, Jeremy George, Kevin Daniel, and Cody Carpenter, the newest Fellowcraft of Patuxent Lodge No. 218.
Great April meeting of Patuxent Lodge.
Welcome Brother Benlix Byas, and Brother Karll Berthaud the newest Entered Apprentice of Patuxent Lodge No. 218.
Senior Warden Brother Carlos Nocentelli gave the Lecture and Brother Xander Delos Santo gave the charge. Great degree by all the officers of Patuxent Lodge.
Brother Jasonric Villanueva gave a Masonic presentation on the 24’’ gauge.
Brother Melvin Mason and Tom Mason members of the Upper Marlboro CERT had their members give a presentation on emergency preparedness. April 2023
Today was a great day for Patuxent Lodge No. 218 on so many levels.
Brother Alonzo Creighton, Jr, and Brother Nick Jacobson passed their Master Mason proficiency.
Grand Inspector Brother Justin Gates was introduced to the membership of Patuxent Lodge and was warmly welcomed.
Congratulations to the newly elected officers of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 for the 2023 term.
Brother Rick Mubarak – Worshipful Master – Elect
Brother Carlos Nocentelli – Senior Warden – Elect
Brother Jasonric Villanueva – Junior Warden – Elect
Brother Melvin Harrison, PM – Secretary – Elect
Brother Terry Royce, PM – Treasurer – Elect
Brother Alan Gordon, PGM – Trustee – Elect
Worshipful Master Jose Cruz Sr., PM presented a certificate for prefect attendance to the Grand Lodge Summer Schools to Brother Rudy McCumber, PM, and Brother Terry Royce, Sr. PM
Worshipful Master Cruz presented certificates of Appreciation to the following brothers for their hard work and dedication to Patuxent Lodge during 2022. SW Rick Mubarak, JW Carlos Nocentelli, SD Jasonric Villanueva, Secretary Melvin Harrison PM, and Treasurer Terry Royce Sr., PM.
Worshipful Master Jose Cruz Sr.PM, presented Brother Kenneth Powell Patuxent’s Master Mason of the Year Award for his hard work and dedication to Patuxent Lodge and the Fraternity.
Worshipful Master Jose Cruz Sr. PM, presented Brother Terry Royce, Sr. PM, Patuxent’s Past Master of the Year Award for his hard work and dedication to Patuxent Lodge.
PGM and Patuxent Lodge member Brother Alan Gordon was presented his Lodge Pin.
Worshipful Master Jose Cruz, Sr. PM, presented Brother Rafael Rodriguez, PM an honorary membership in Patuxent Lodge for his dedication to Patuxent Lodge as our Grand Inspector.
A Holiday lunch was served after the meeting to the membership and their families.
Congratulations to Brother Terry Royce Sr, PM on receiving the Francis E. Larrimore Medal for Meritorious Achievement at the Grand Masters banquet.
Congratulations to Past Master Brother Rudy McCumber recognized for his monetary contributions to the Bennie G. Owens Youth Scholarship Program at the 236th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Maryland.
Congratulations to the newest Master Masons of Patuxent Lodge No. 218. Brothers Deontae Coachman, Eric Unegbu, Alonzo Creighton, Jr., and Kendrick Nathaniel received their Master Mason Degree on Saturday, November 5, 2022.
Congratulations to (L-R) Brothers Eric Unegbu, Alonso Creighton, Jr., and Kendric Nathanial on passing their Fellowcraft proficiency. They will receive their Master Mason Degree on November 5. Congratulations to (Far Right) Brother Xander Santos on passing his Master Mason proficiency- October 2022
St. Alban-Birmingham Lodge No. 233 hosted Patuxent Lodge No. 218, St, Florian 9-11 Lodge No. 238, and Prince Frederick Lodge No. 142 to confer the Master Mason Degree on four (4) worthy brothers. Congratulations to (L-R) Brothers Jonathan Romero, Ricky Powell, and Xander Santos of Patuxent Lodge. Brother Shariff Thomas of St. Florian Lodge 9-11 Lodge No. 238. It was a great night of Fellowship with the officers working together to confer the degree – September 2022
Congratulations!! to Graduating Senior Taylor Thomas of Southern High School, on receiving a $500 Scholarship from The Masonic Charities of Maryland. Worshipful Master Jose’ Cruz, Sr. PM, made the presentation on behalf of Patuxent Lodge on Tuesday, May 10, at Southern’s Senior Award Ceremony
Brother Robert Carhart, Jr. received the Honorary Degree of “Fellow of the Craft” from the
Maryland Masonic Academy. The presentation was made at Patuxent Lodge by Academy President
Brother Terry Royce, Sr. PM – May 2022
Before the Installation of Officers for 2022, outgoing Worshipful Master Brother Robert Parsley was presented The Grand Master’s Award with Distinction for 2021 to Patuxent Lodge No. 218
Before the Installation of Officers for 2022, outgoing Worshipful Master Brother Robert Parsley presented the following Certificates: Master Mason Certificates to (L-R) Brother Waverly Walker, III, and Brother Nicholas Jacobson. Brother Jasonric Villanueva received the Line Officer of the Year Award for his dedicated service to Patuxent Lodge No. 218.
Worshipful Master Bob Parsley presented the following awards for the 2021 term:
New Master Mason of the Year – Brother Kenneth Powell
Line Officers of the Year – Brother Jackson Aiken Brother Jasonric Villanueva
Past Master of the Year – Brother Terry Royce, PM
Brother Rudy McCumber, PM and Brother Terry Royce, PM received a perfect attendance certificate from the Grand Lodge of Maryland.
Congratulations to (L-R) Brothers Jonathan Stotler, and Eric Unegbu, the newest Entered Apprentice of Patuxent Lodge No. 218. Senior Warden Brother Rick Mubarak received his officers Jewel from the George Washington Masonic National Memorial. It was a great night of degree work and Fellowship-November 2021
Congratulations to Brother Calvin Umezurike of Patuxent Lodge No. 218, on receiving the Honorary Degree of Fellow of the Craft from the Maryland Masonic Academy- November 2021.
For more information on the Maryland Masonic Academy, email us at
Other Lodge Events & Activities
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 Worshipful Master Brother Robert Parsley, presented a check for $2,245.00 to Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Director Zanae Merchant. The money was raised from the proceeds of a raffle to benefit Charlotte Hall Veterans Home-October 2021.
Congratulations to the newest Fellowcraft of Patuxent Lodge No. 218, Brothers (L-R) Deontae Coachman, Kendrick Nathaniel, Ricky Powell, Jonathan Romero, and Xander delos Santos.
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 became a member of the Society of Washington Lodges at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial.
It was a great night of degree work and fellowship!! -October 2021.
Great morning of Fellowship with the Brothers of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 at Harvest Home Day, and raising $2,200 for Charlotte Hall veterans Home-2021
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 is proud to a member of the Society of Washington Lodges -September 2021.
Worshipful Master Brother Robert Parsley presented Brother Nicholas Jacobson a certificate from the Lodge on being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on Wardens Night on Thursday, August 26.
Congratulations!! to Brother Kenneth Powell on returning his Master Mason proficiency, and to Brother Jasonric Villanueva for his outstanding job as catechism instructor – September 2021.
Congratulations to Brother Eshawn Pascal and Brother Nicholas Jacobson, the newest Master Masons of Patuxent Lodge No. 218. The Wardens, Deacons, and Stewards of Southern Maryland conferred the degree at Southern Maryland Wardens Night-August 2021.
An awesome time at our annual Summer Picnic yesterday! The rain did not stop the great food, entertainment and fellowship! Special thanks to the organizers and helpers who put it all together to make it a spectacular event!-August 2021.
Congratulations to Brothers Leandro Berges and Waverly Walker who were proficient in the Master Mason Degree. Congratulations to Brother Nicholas Jacobson and Eshawn Pascal who were proficient in Fellowcraft Degree at Casual Dress Night-July 2021
Congratulations to (L-R) Mr. Mekhi Price and Elizabeth Emiola, who received scholarships from Patuxent Lodge. WM Brother Bob Parsley made the presentations during Patuxent Lodges Strawberry Night. Special thanks to everyone who donated to the Patuxent scholarship fund. The strawberries were delicious!!- June 2021
CONGRATULATIONS to the newest Master Masons of Patuxent Lodge No. 218, (L-R) Brother Kenneth Powell, and Brother Leandro Berges-June 2021.
WM Brother Robert Parsley presented certificates to Brothers Kenneth Powell and Leandro Berges for completing their Entered Apprentice proficiency and Brother Elijah Alexander for completing his Fellowcraft Proficiency – May 2021
Congratulations to Brother Jonathan Romero, the newest Entered Apprentice of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 – April 2021.
Congratulations to (L-R) Brothers Leandro Berges, Eshawn Pascal, Kenneth Powell and Nicholas Jacbson on being passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft – March 2021.
Congratulations to Brother Jose’ Cruz, PM who received the Honorary Degree of Master of the Craft from MWGM Brother Marlin Mills and PGM Kenneth Wyvill. Brother Jose is now eligible to be inducted into King Solomon Society-February 2021.
Congratulations to (L-R) Brothers Nicholas Jacobson, Brother Eshawn Pascal, and Brother Kenneth Powell on passing their EA catechism -February 2021.
Congratulations to Brothers Elijah Alexander and Waverly Walker, II the newest Master Masons of Patuxent Lodge No. 218-February 2021.
Past Masters Rudy McCumber and Terry Royce received their certificates for attending the 2020 Grand Lodge Summer Schools of Instruction-February 2021.
Congratulations to Brother Jose’ Cruz, PM, on receiving his Past Masters Apron-February 2021.
Congratulations to Brother Leandro Berges, the newest Entered Apprentice of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 -January 2021.
Congratulations to the following officers elected for 2021: (L-R) Brothers Carlos Nocentelli-JW Elect; Robert Parsley-WM Elect; and Rick Mubarak-SW Elect.
WM Brother Jose Cruz presented MWPGM Brother Richard Naegele
an Honorary Membership in Patuxent Lodge No. 218
MWPGM Brother Richard Naegele presented WM Brother Jose Cruz and the members of Patuxent Lodge the Grand Master’s Award with Distinction for 2020
WM Brother Jose Cruz presented the Officers of Patuxent Lodge certificates of appreciation for their hard work and dedication during his term as Worshipful Master
Congratulations to Brother Waverly Walker, who passed his Fellowcraft proficiency-December 2020
Congratulations to Brother Jermaine Sewell of Patuxent Lodge No. 218, who was presented the Honorary Degree of Pillar of the Craft from the Maryland Masonic Academy by MWGM Brother Richard Naegele.
Grand Master Naegele also presented Brother Jermaine with his Zerubbabel Medal and certificate. This medal may be earned by Master Masons during the first two years from their raising by having met a required and optional criteria to qualify.
Congratulations to Brothers Jose E. Cruz Sr. -WM, Terry L Royce Sr., PM and Rick Mubarak-JW of Patuxent Lodge No. 218, who were presented the Oblong Square Award by MWGM Grand Master Richard Naegele
Brother Waverly Walker being congratulated by MWGM Richard Naegele
on his perfect EA catechism proficiency -September 5.
Congratulations to our beloved Brother Terry L Royce, PM who was presented with his Patuxent Lodge No. 218 Past Master’s apron by Brother Secretary, Melvin E. Harrison PM, and our MWGM Richard Naegele during the Stated Communication on September 5, 2020. Brother Terry served as Worshipful Master of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 in 1986, 2010, 2011, 2018, 2019. Under Brother Terry’s leadership, the lodge received the Grand Master’s Award and recognition as the Maryland Lodge of the Year in 2018 and 2019.
Congratulations to Brother Stephan Mulrain, the newest Master Mason of Patuxent Lodge No. 218. The degree was conferred by the Wardens, Deacons and Stewards of several Southern Maryland Lodges. “Wardens Night” is a long tradition in Southern Maryland – September 3, 2020.
Congratulations to the five newest Entered Apprentice in Southern Maryland. Prince Frederick Lodge No. 142 with officers participating from various Lodges in Southern Maryland conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree – July 2020
From (L-R) Brothers Dakota Kyle Crumpler – TJ Shryock No. 223, Timothy Harris. – Perseverance No. 208, Juan Morales, III – Prince Frederick No. 142, David Santiago – TJ Shryock No.223 and Waverly Walker, III – Patuxent No. 218
Patuxent Lodge No. 218, had the honor and pleasure to present Ms. Amy Thames of Southern High School a check from the Masonic Charities of Maryland, to assist in furthering her education at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Ms. Thames will be studying marine biology and loves sharks! We were told she has collected well over 20,000 sharks’ teeth – June 2020.
Members of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 captured the Manchester Lodge No. 73 Traveling Gavel from Oxon Hill Lodge No. 230 – February 2020
Congratulations to Brother Robert Rodeffer, who received his 60 Year Masonic Service Award from the Grand Lodge of Maryland. Making the presentation was GI Rafael Rodriguez, PM, WM Jose Cruz Sr., SW Bob Parsley, JW Rick Mubarak, Asst. Sec. Terry Royce, PM, SS Jermaine Sewell and Chaplain Rudy McCumber, PM – Feb. 2020
Patuxent Lodge “Holiday Gathering and Ugly Sweater Table Lodge” on December 7, 2019
Masonic Service Awards, Certificates of Appreciation and Grand Lodge Certificates for School of Instruction were presented at the Stated Communication on December 7, 2019.
Scouter’s Lodge No. 236 made a special fraternal visit to Patuxent Lodge No. 218 to recognize Brother Rick and Sister Sarita Mubarak’s four sons Amir, Ahmad, Ali, and Asa on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.
Each were presented Eagle Scout certificates from the Grand Lodge of Maryland, Scouter’s Lodge No. 236 and the Jewish Committee on Scouting. Nov-2019
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 was recognized as one of 15 Masonic Lodges in Maryland to achieve the Grand Master’s Award with Distinction for 2019.
Patuxent Lodge was recognized as the “2019 Maryland Lodge of the Year.” November 2019
Brother Rudy McCumber, PM and Brother Terry Royce, PM was recognized by the Grand Lodge of Maryland for their generous support of the Bennie G. Owens Masonic Youth Scholarship Fund. November 2019
Congratulations to the three newest Master Masons in Southern Maryland. Brother Tylor Deeds, and Jeff Howard of Prince Frederick Lodge No. 142 and Brother Jamie Spaulding of Patuxent Lodge No. 218- October 2019
Members of Patuxent Lodge enjoyed a little lunch celebration after the degree.
Congratulations to Brother Stephan Mulrain, Patuxent Lodge No. 218 newest Entered Apprentice. Brother Jamie Spaulding completed his Fellowcraft proficiency. He will receive his Master Mason Degree on Saturday, October 26
Congratulations to Brothers Rudy McCumber, PM, Jermaine Sewell, Jackson Aiken, Jr., William Hines, PM, and Melvin Mason, Jr., PM for their dedication and assistance with the Marlboro Food Bank every month.
Brother Rudy McCumber, PM was presented his gold Solomon’s II Pin from secretary Melvin Harrison, PM on behalf of the Grand Lodge for membership.
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 is proud to support Bethel No. 41.
Great breakfast and fellowship with the
young ladies of Job’s Daughters Bethel No. 41. October-2019
Harvest Home Day -2019
Patuxent Lodge is proud to be a sponsor for the following:
Scottish Rite Golf Classic
Grand Master’s Cup
Corn Hole Boards for Grand Lodge
Team Patuxent walking for Alzheimer’s – September 2019
Brother John LeRoy and Brother Randy Geck presentation “Building of the Flag” – September 2019
Congratulations to (L-R) Brothers George Whitehead, Kenji Darby, Christopher Munar, Willie Mcallister and Marc Hunter, Patuxent Lodge newest Master Masons-August 2019
Patuxent Lodge sponsored the religious service for the residents of Bonnie Blink-June 21, 2019
Patuxent Lodge participating in the Deale Fireman’s Parade-July 20, 2019
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 and Collington Lodge No. 230 made a fraternal visit to
Collington-Bowie DeMolay. Great night of ritual and fellowship – July 2019
Congratulations to Brothers Willie Mcallister, Kenji Darby, Sean O’Donnell, George Whitehead, Christopher Munar, Marc Hunter and Jamie Spaulding, Patuxent Lodge newest Fellowcraft. Regional Fellowcraft Degree-July-2019
Strawberry Night-June 2019
Perfect Attendance Challenge Patuxent and Tracy’s Elementary Schools
Assisting the Marlboro Food Bank-June 2019
Grand Lodge Family Day Picnic-2019
Patuxent Lodge Scholarship Presentations-2019
Fraternal visit with Brother Herbert Haney
Congatulations to Brother Jamie Spaulding,
the newest Entered Apprentice of Patuxent Lodge-June 1, 2019
Congratulations to (L-R) Brothers Jasonric Villanueva, Jermaine Sewell and Calvin Umezurike, raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial by MWGM Richard Naegele and his Grand Line. May 2019
Congratulations to (L-R) Brothers Jasonric Villanueva, Jermaine Sewell and Calvin Umezurike who passed their Fellowcraft Catechism examination. They will be raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on Friday, May 31, 7 PM at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial by MWGM Richard Naegele and his Grand Line.
Brother Jose’ Cruz, Sr. certified as Worshipful Master on the Entered Apprentice Degree-April 2019
Presentation on Hiram Abiff by RWPJGW Brother Mike Banagan – April 2019
Camp Springs Lodge No. 227 making a fraternal visit – April 2019
Fraternal visit to Naval Lodge No. 4 – April 2019
Fraternal visit to Annapolis Lodge No 89 – April 2019
Presentation on the Masonic Creed by Brother Paige Johnson March 2019
Brother George Whitehead Initiated into Freemasonry Feb 2019
Assisting at the Marlboro Food Bank each month
Brother Hilmer Krebs, a 72 year Master Mason and 104 years young, closed Patuxent Lodge Open Installation of Officers for MWGM Richard Naegele
Congratulations to Brother George Allen, PM, member of Patuxent Lodge No. 218, who was presented his 70 Year Masonic Service Award by MWGM Richard Naegele. Brother Allen was also honored as a Senior DeMolay from Robert LeBruce Chapter
MWGM Richard Naegele presented Brother Rick Mubarak and Brother Jose Cruz Sr., their Honorary Degree of Pillar of the Craft from the Maryland Masonic Academy.
MWGM Richard Naegele presented Rudy McCumber, PM, with his Bennie G. Owens Masonic Youth Scholarship Pin for his generous donation to the Scholarship Fund.
Congratulations to Brother James Spicer, member of Patuxent Lodge No. 218, who was presented his 50 Year Masonic Service Award by MWGM Richard Naegele
Congratulations to Brother William Hines, PM who was presented his 65 Year DeMolay Service Award by State Master Councilor Rafael Rodriguez IV
Assisting the Upper Marlboro Food Bank
Patuxent Lodge was presented the Grand Master’s Award with Distinction and the “2018 Maryland Lodge of the Year” at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication on Saturday, November 17, 2018
Congratulations to Brother Kenji Darby, the newest Entered Apprentice
of Patuxent Lodge No. 218
Patuxent Lodge presenting Bike to Patuxent Elementary School
for their Perfect Attendance Challenge
Patuxent Lodge assisting the Upper Marlboro Food Bank
Presenting Bikes to Tracey’s Elementary School
for the Perfect Attendance Challenge
Patuxent Lodge participating in the PRAD Parade
Brother Jermaine Sewell receiving his Fellowcraft Degree
Officers receiving certificates for
Perfect Attendance at the Grand Lodge Summer School
Walk to End Alzheimer’s @ National Harbor
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 participated in the Perfect Attendance Challenge
Winners show with their new bikes!
Wardens Night-2018
On August 23, 2018, Patuxent Lodge No. 218 hosted “Wardens Night” when the Wardens, Deacons and Stewards filled the chairs at Southern Maryland “Wardens Night” to confer the Master Mason Degree. Congratulations to Brothers Steven Stumpp, Conrado Taguba and Joseph Pinto. Brother Taguba is the newest member Patuxent Lodge No. 218
(L-R) Brothers Steven Stumpp, Conrado Taguba and Joseph Pinto.
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 participated in Celebrating Veterans at Charlotte Hall Veterans Home on May 14, 2018
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 assisted the Upper Marlboro, Food bank on Friday, May 11, 2018
Pictured are Brothers Rodney Ballance and Rudy McCumber, PM. Not picture Terry Royce
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 hosted “Brotherhood Day” on Saturday, May 5, 2018. The Grand Lodge of MD, The Grand Lodge of DC, The Most Worshipful Grand Lodges of MD and DC were in attendance. George Washington’s gavel used to lay the cornerstone of the United States Capitol was on display. The program: Cleopatra’s Needle was presented by Springfield Lodge No.217
Grand Representatives from the four Grand Lodges
The 4 Grand Lodges pictured with the Lodge officers of Patuxent Lodge No. 218
Members of Springfield Lodge No. 217 with Cleopatra’s Needle
and members of Patuxent Lodge No. 218
George Washington’s Gavel used to lay the cornerstone of the United States Capitol
Congratulations to Patuxent Lodge newest Entered Apprentice- 4-18
(L-R) Jermaine Sewell, Christopher Manuo
Brother Jose Cruz, Sr received the Honorary Degree of Fellow of the Craft
Brother Melvin Harrison, PM received the Honorary Degrees of Fellow of the Craft
and Master of the Craft from the Maryland Masonic Academy- March 2018
Congratulations to Patuxent Lodge newest Entered Apprentice-March 2018
(L-R) Calvin Umezurike, Marc Hunter, Conrado Taguba and Lonnell Atwater
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 made a fraternal visit to Bethel No 41 of Job’s Daughters International- February 2018
Brother Charles Dean with his family is presented with his 50 Year Masonic Service January 2018
Patuxent Lodge participated in the Grand Masters Perfect Attendance Challenge -2017
Past Masters Rudy McCumber and Terry Royce presenting bikes to Tracy’s Elementary School in Anne Arundel County
Past Masters Rudy McCumber and Terry Royce presenting bikes to Patuxent Elementary School in Prince George’s County
Southern Maryland well represented at The Feast of Tishri at the DC Scottish Rite with William Hines, Wes Sudduth, Mike Grierson, Rudy McCumber, David Andrukitis and Harold Saintelien
Congratulations to Alexis Ward & Megan Phibbons, two of our scholarship recipients for 2017 being presented Scholarships at Patuxent Lodge- June 2017
Congratulations to Ava Grounds and Megan Phibbons selected by Patuxent Lodge to receive Scholarships at the Masonic Charities of Maryland Award Ceremony on Sunday, May 21, 2017
Congratulations to Patuxent Lodge newest Entered Apprentices. From (L-R) – Jared Reiber, Mark Manapul, WM Kenyatta Galbreth, Alejo Nefalar, Carlos Nocentelli, Jose Vazquez-Cruz Sr – May 15, 2017
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 Celebrating our 90th Anniversary on May 10, 2017
WM Kenyatta Galbreth presents Wes Sudduth a certificate from the Grand Lodge of Maryland, making him a member of the Instructive Tongue Society on Saturday, May 6, 2017
WM Kenyatta Galbrath has Brother Dean Howard, a member for 64 years closed Patuxent Lodge on Saturday, May 6, 2017
Master Mason Degree at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial-2017
Congratulations to Alex Brehm, John Rhodes, Shane Vanfossen, Michael Breder, -142, Antonio Lzaquirre,-198, Mark Wooten,-223 and Marikhande Sissoko, -218 were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. The Officers of Prince Frederick Lodge No. 142, Patuxent Lodge No. 218, Kensington-Bethesda 198, and Thomas J. Shryock Lodge No. 223 conferred the degree work at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial. A great night of Fellowship and Degree work.
Pictured (L-R) First row Kenyatta Galbreth-WM,Marikhande Sissoko, Harold Santelien, Terry Royce, PM. Second Row (L-R) Larry Stoner, Robert Carhart, Rudy McCumber Alex Flanga and James Cloud.
Pictured (L-R) Worshipful Master Kenyatta Galbreth and Marikhande Sissoko
Congratulations to Melvin Harrison, PM who was presented his 50 Year Service Award-2017
Pictured (L-R) Mike Banagan-Grand Inspector, Earlene and Melvin Harrison, PM, Kenyatta Galbreth-Worshipful Master, Kostas Vourvoulas-Most Worshipful Grand Master
Naval and Masonic Careers
Admirals Gene and Bill Sizmore provide a presentation to our lodge on their distinguished Naval and Masonic careers.
Maryland Masons of Law Enforcement
Our lodge, along with MWGM Kenneth S. Wyvill, Jr., honored the MD Masons of Law Enforcement with guest speaker MWGM Jack Biggs.
Past Master’s Night 2016
Nine of our Past Masters were honored and presented with a lodge PM cap.
2016 Lodge Open House – Family & Kids Day/ MDChip Program
Brother Elmer Robinson receiving his 60 year service award from Brother Mike Banagan, Grand Inspector
Fraternal visit between Patuxent Lodge No. 218 and Camp Springs Lodge No. 227 on October 24, 2015,
The Officers of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 and Camp Springs Lodge No. 227
Public Re-dedication of the George Washington Monument in Baltimore, MD
The 2015 Grand Line of Maryland at the Public Re-dedication of the George Washington Monument in Baltimore, MD – September 26, 2015
Southern Maryland Masonic Family Picnic – September 20, 2015
With over 150 members of the Masonic fraternity, their family and friend in attendance for a great day of food, games and fellowship
Southern Maryland Wardens Night- September 3, 2015
Congratulations to Patuxent Lodge newest Master Masons. The degree was conferred by the Wardens of Southern Maryland Lodges
(L-R) Larry Stoner, Jr, Wes Sudduth, Grand Master Kenneth S. Wyvill, Jr, Zachary Waterfield and Alex Falanga
(L-R) Larry Stoner, Jr, Wes Sudduth, Worshipful Master Marlon Curtis, Zachary Waterfield and Alex Falanga
National Night Out in Shadyside, MD-Aug 4, 2015
(L-R) Wes Sudduth, Harold Saintelien, JW, Larry Stoner, (Not Pictured) Rudy McCumber, PM
The Deale Firemen’s Parade-July 11, 2015
(L-R) William Hines, PM, Bobby Hight, SD-PF 142, Wes Sudduth and Terry Royce, PM
The Re-dedication of the George Washington Monument in Baltimore, MD on July 4, 2015
Past Master’s Terry Royce and Rudy McCumber of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 attend the re-dedication ceremony of the George Washington Monument in Baltimore, MD on July 4, 2015
Members of several Masonic Lodges from Southern Maryland travel together for the re-dedication of the George Washington Monument in Baltimore, MD on July 4, 2015
The Re-dedication of the George Washington Monument in Baltimore, MD on July 14, 2015.
Certificate of Appreciation Presented to the Past Master’s of Patuxent Lodge No. 218-June 2015
Past Master’s of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 (L-R) Melvin Harrison, PM, Melvin Mason, PM, Marlon Curtis, WM, William Hines, PM and Frank Wilburn, PM
Congratulations to Zachary Waterfield and Alex Falanga, Patuxent Lodge No. 218 newest Entered Apprentices-June 2015
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 DC Brotherhood Day-June 2015
The Grand Lodge of Maryland, The Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland and The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia was honored by Patuxent Lodge No. 218. The Brethren assembled around the altar and renewed their Master Mason Masonic Obligation
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 and the Masonic Charities of Maryland Scholarship Awards – 2015
MWGM Kenneth S. Wyviil Jr., Daemar Casey – Suitland High School and WM Marlon Curtis
WMGM Kenneth S. Wyvill, Jr., Jamie Fuhrer – Southern High School and WM Marlon Curtis
Masonic Charities of Maryland Scholarship Winners for 2015
Congratulations to Nihinlolu Fatinkun and Dae’Junay Whalen of Forestville Military Academy selected by Patuxent Lodge No. 218 to receive Scholarships for 2015
Nihinloly Fatinikun, WM Marlon Curtis and Dae’Junay Whalen
“Celebrating Charlotte Hall Veterans” on Thursday May 14, 2015 at 10:00 AM
Congratulations to William Sudduth and Larry Stoner, Patuxent Lodge No. 218 newest Fellowcrafts-April 2015
60 Year Service Award Presented to Albert Fallin- January 2015
Albert Fallin presented his 60 year service by Most Worshipful Grand Master Kenneth S. Wyvill, Jr
Instructive Tongue Society Award Presented to Terry Royce, PM-January 2015
Terry L. Royce, PM of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 was made a Charter Member of the Instructive Tongue Society for his many years of dedicated service teaching catechism to the newest members of Patuxent (Seat Pleasant) Lodge No. 218
Warren S. Seipp Award- November 2014
Terry L. Royce, Past Master of Patuxent Lodge No. 218, received the Warren S. Seipp Award from the Grand Lodge of Maryland on Saturday November 15, 2014, for Distinguished Service. The Warren S. Seipp Award is the second highest award given to Masons in Maryland.
Religious Service at Bonnie Blink-August 2014
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 hosted the religious service for the residents of Bonnie Blink. Thank you to Rev. Brookman and Organist Ron Unger for the wonderful service. Joining us today was William Hines, Janet Hines, Rudy McCumber, Diane Bryant, Bill and Marion Ross, Melvin Mason, Thomas Mason, Don and Brenda Hamilton and Terry Royce
National Night Out, Shady Side, MD -September 2014
Wes Sudduth, Terry Royce and Rudy McCumber passing out school suppies at National Night Out.
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 50 year service awards – 2014
Harry Cotten, PM with Grand Inspector Mike Banagan 2014
Grand Inspector Mike Banagan with George Stephenson
(L-R) Terry Royce, PM, JW, Savltore Tammaro and Mike Banagan, Grand Inspector
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 Participates in the Deale Firemen’s Parade-July 2014
(L-R) William Hines, PM, Rudy McCumber, PM WM, Raul Azcueta and Terry Royce, PM, JW
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 Participates in the 4th of July Parade in Shady Side, MD-July 2014
(L-R) William Hines, PM-218, Terry Royce, PM,JW-218, Bobby Hight-SS-142, Tylor Hight-142, Marlon Curtis-SW-218, Jon Simpson, WM-142 and Rudy Mcumber, PM, WM-218
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 MDCHIP event at Riverfest-June 2014
(L-R) Rudy McCumber, PM, WM-218, Terry Royce, PM, JW-218 and William Sudduth-218
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 and the Masonic Charities of
Maryland Scholarships Awards- May 2014.
Jamie Mashie and Terry Royce, PM, JW
Brian Thames and Terry Royce, PM, JW
Braian Thames and Jamie Mahshie, 2014 MCM Scholarship winners from Patuxent Lodge No. 218
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 Scholarship Award
at South River High School-May 2014.
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 awards a scholarship to Nicholas Platek. Nicholas is a student at South River High School in Edgewater, MD. Nicholas will be attending Virginia Tech this fall majoring in Biology with plans to attend medical school. Money raised for the Scholarship was donated by the Patuxent Lodge No. 218 membership. Nicholas is pictured with his proud family.
Scholarship Winners for 2014
Masonic Charities of Maryland Scholarship Winners for 2014
Certificate of Appreciation
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 receives a Certificate of Appreciation from Charlotte Hall Veterans Home on April, 16, 2014
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 MDCHIP event at Woodland Beach Volunteer Fire Department-April 2014
MDCHIP event at Anne Arundel Volunteer Fire Department October 2013
Religious Service at Bonnie Blink-August 2013
Attending were WM Rudy McCumber; his mother Louise; Diane Bryant; Don and Brenda Hamilton; Nancy Royce; Terry Royce; Marlene Naegele; Ronald Unger; Marion and Bill Ross. Not pictured, but in attendance: James Cloud; Melissa Cloud; Toni Jo Delano.
Shady Side National Night Out 2013
With an Anne Arundel County Police helicopter, K-9 demonstrations, hot dogs, hamburgers and music, Patuxent Lodge teamed up with Kallipolis Grotto to support National Night Out in Shady Side, MD. Patuxent handed out school supplies and lollipops which were a huge success! Kallipolis Grotto handed out toothbrushes along with information about The Humanitarian Fund for Children with disabilities. Big thanks to WM Rudy McCumber, Diane Bryant, Jonathan Binstock and Terry Royce
Deale Firemen’s Carnival Parade on July 13, 2013, in Deale MD.
Eric Gronbeck E. A. at Deale Firemen’s Carnival Parade
MDCHIP event in Deale, MD June 2013
WM Rudy McCumber, PM, William Hines, PM and Terry Royce, JW visited with Brother Richard Mizak at Bonnie Blink during the Semi Annual Communication
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 presents 50 and 60 year service awards. Congratulations!! to Stephen Cumberland, Dean Howard and Jerry Reshew on receiving their 50 and 60 year service awards on May 4, 2013
Certificate of Appreciation 2012
Appreciate You Guys!
Al Fallin a 57 year Member of Patuxent Lodge
2012 Scholarship Winner
2012 Scholarship Winner
Distinguished Gentlemen with George Washington Gavel.
On September 19, 2011 we honor our DC Masonic brothers with DC Night.
The Maryland Grand Line and Patuxent’s 2011 Officers at DC Night.
Patuxent’s 2011 Worshipful Master Terry Royce PM, WAGP with George Washington Gavel.
Masonic Brothers at the Grand Lodge.
Newly Raised Brothers with 2011 Worshipful Master & 2012 Worshipful Master at the Grand Lodge Of Maryland.
Distinguished Gentlemen.
MWGM Stephen J. Ponzillo, III & 2012 Worshipful Master Gerald F. Poe Jr.
2012 Grand Lodge Officers
Terry Royce PM, WAGP, William Hines PM, WAGT, Rudy McCumber PM, GI
Patuxent Lodge No. 218 Installation Photos 2012.