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CHARTERED: May 10, 1927 • WORSHIPFUL MASTER: Jasonric Villanueva



Is There Greatness In You?




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Truly Freemasonry provides the opportunity for you to explore this to its fullest. Lodges offer the opportunity to learn and/or enhance public speaking skills, taking even the most shy or reticent speaker to a level of competence and confidence. Leadership is acquired as one assumes many varied roles within the lodge and educational opportunites are found at every turn. In short, you are limited only by yourself – and Freemasonry has been pretty darn good over the centuries at helping tens of millions of men break free from those limitations.

Freemasonry offers no financial riches or worldly advancement: what it does provide is a chance to explore the Greatness in yourself – to become a better man as the days go on.

Is this what you’re seeking? If so, you might want to consider Freemasonry! Let us know….




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